Wednesday, May 30, 2012

E.O.C Week 9: Review Questions

Ben Sander branded himself as Brini Maxwell. How would you create your own personal brand? What would your logo be? How would you design business cards? What would your theme song be? What would you sell? And who would you target audience be? Finally, where would you show your brand? On television, in a store, or on the internet? Write and design a project that reflects the ideas of developing your own personal brand. Use the previous questions as an outline

My personal brand name will be named Motor Femme. It's going to be a line that carries musical inspired clothing only! The inspiration for all of the clothing within my business is a large variety of music. My business cards will have my title Motor Femme with bloody letters on the Femme part and the Motor for Motorhead (my ultimate favorite band). The name is a combination of strong loud females with a die hard passion for loud music. The theme song for my brand will most likely be the Chocolate Watchband's song "Im not like everybody else". It's a perfect song for the isolated music lover that doesn't conform to society and always remains true to their self identity. This song is perfect for my brand. My target audience will be females from the ages of 14 to 20 something year olds. I will bring my brand exposure by exposing it in big music events, and even small local shows. I will take my brand everywhere, through the means of social media like facebook, the brands personal web site, and a brick and mortar location. I will build a strong relationship with the music community of Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York, Portland, Texas, etc i want to make my brand travel and get exposed to as many events as possible including the art and music community. MotorFemme will pretty much anihilate Hot Topic.

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