Wednesday, May 23, 2012

E.O.C Week 7: Discussion Questions.

 1.  What is viral fashion branding? How did this form of branding make Johnny Cupcakes a well-known product line in the youth market?

Viral Fashion Branding is when a product goes worldwide and in high demand through the means of the social media, and word of mouth. Johnny Cupcakes took advantage that he was in the music industry by creating his shirts and selling them at his concerts. Therefore gaining that public attention and making his brand known.
2.  Why is viral fashion branding a good method for promoting product? Can you think of other brands that are currently using this process?
A great way of viral branding will be through means of social networking. Such means consist of online web sites such as facebook, blogger, and ads on you tube. Word of mouth is also a highly effective tool, and it must be applied even before you open your business. Gucci is another brand that uses the means of viral fashion branding to its advantage. 

3.  How does Johnny Cupcakes allow customers to feel like they are special? Is this important and why?

Johnny Cupcakes is a very intelligent man he came up with a unique concept of buying the nick-knacks and unpopular stuff from the comic book store that he once work for. He would purchase these small items and inserted them into the boxes of all his internet orders to surprise his customers. His customers would find items such as trading cards featuring Ninja turtles, Ghost-busters, and Garbage Pail kids.  

4.  Do you think the Johnny Cupcakes brand relates to older customers like the baby-boomers and generation Xers? Why or why not? How does his use of nostalgia and popular culture influence his ability to reach different audiences?

The Johnny Cupcakes brand does not really reflect the interest of baby boomers and generation Xers. The brand appeals more to the younger generation. I believe his target market was aimed at teens and young adults. Although his products will be purchased by several  older people but not for themselves instead those purchases are geared for the children. His original customer base. 

5.  In your opinions, is Johnny Cupcakes a unique brand? What other items would you include in his product line?

I believe Johnny Cupcakes is a unique brand in its own way. He definitely was a determined entrepreneur and took his line at a worldwide place in a matter of a short years. I believe he should expand his line to more clothing for women, because a large number of his customer base are women. So he should expand the line to include dresses, jackets, skirts, socks, even heels with cupcakes on them. His line has a high potential. 

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